Friday, September 28, 2007

Standing Water in the Yard

The only thing more unsightly than a yard with no grass is a yard that is covered in patches of standing water. Having standing water in your yard or around the foundation of your home can be a pretty aggravating thing, but there is something that you can do to remedy this situation and will probably not cost you an arm and a leg.

Most of the time, problems with standing water in the yard can be attributed to the yard having uneven elevation all over it. Some parts may be lower than others and will retain water after a heavy or even sometimes a light rain. The simple solution to this is to fill in these lower areas with soil and plant grass over them to hold the new soil in place. Planting grass over it is not only necessary to look good, but also serves the practical purpose of making sure the soil does not just wash away over time.

The other option is to have a drainage system installed in the yard. Call your local building commission first and make sure that you have permission to take on such a project, even if you do own your house and the land it is on. Obtaining a building permit may not be easy and it might take you a few weeks to get one, but it just depends on where you are living at the time.

Dig a ditch in your yard starting at the point you want to drain water from and end the ditch where you want the excess water to be deposited. Slant this ditch downhill about 6 inches for every 100 feet so that water does not simply collect in the pipe and stand there. Lay a small amount of gravel throughout the length of this ditch and put a PVC pipe over it. Cover this with more gravel and cover it again with soil. The gravel will help direct ground water toward the drain’s end. Put some wire mesh or a sink strainer over the highest end of the pipe to keep debris from getting into it. You do not need a strainer at the other end.

If you have somewhat of a sense of humor and like the idea of a small pond in your yard, consider putting a goldfish pond in one of the spots where water likes to collect. Digging it out and keeping it aerated for some fish might add a pleasing effect as long as it is located in the right place.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Mold Remediation and other states such as
New Jersey Sewage Damage Cleanup companies across the united states.

Sanitizing Your Well Water

If you live outside the city limits, you may be among the thousands of people that have to rely on well water to drink and to bathe in. There are filters that can be put on your well to get rid of any mineral deposits, rust, or soil that may get into your water, but actually disinfecting your water if it is contaminated with bacteria is a somewhat different matter. You can clean your well water out by chlorinating it and this process is fairly simple.

Chlorinating well water is usually done to get rid of bacteria, to disinfect after you make some kind of repair to it, to disinfect after it has not been used in a while, such as the well of a vacation home, or the removal of hydrogen sulphide.

The first thing that you need to do is to get enough water saved up in your house by using milk jugs or whatever else you have to put water in to last your home’s needs for at least the next 24 hours.

Depending on how deep your well is, you will want to put a different amount of bleach into the water. The bleach that you will want to use is a simple, unscented household bleach. This should contain about 3 to 5 percent sodium chlorite. As far as just how much bleach you need to use, it varies. If your well is less than 50 feet deep and is 6 inches in diameter, you will want to use 3.5 liters of bleach in it. A well that is 100 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter will require 7.

You should not use the water system of your home for at least 8 hours after doing this. 24 hours is usually the recommended time, but this might not be practical for you if you have a large family.

By the time the process is over, your water should not smell like chlorine. The water may look similar to a tea color, but this will go away after a bit of use. Do not drink the water until the chlorine smell is gone.

If the process helps your water’s quality, but the problem comes back in a few weeks, you will need to repeat this process and possibly add more bleach per application. This should result in a water supply quality that is much better than it was before.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut water damage restoration and other states such as
New Jersey Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Mold and Your Children

The health of children is probably the most important issue for the majority of parents across the nation and as time goes on, we are seeing more and more potential threats to it. Whether it is asthma, the flu, bronchitis, or any other type of illness, all parents are concerned with the long term effects of these conditions and what causes or aggravates them.

Mold has somewhat taken center stage in the list of things in your home that can cause adverse health effects for not only children and the elderly, but anyone else living in your home at the time, as well. Not only can mold cause the aggravation of allergies and respiratory conditions such as asthma and emphysema, but it can also be toxic and cause long term medical conditions that can even end in death in some severe cases.

Due to their underdeveloped nature compared to adults, children are much more at risk to face the health effects of mold exposure than their adult counterparts. If your child has allergies, you probably keep an eye on their exposure to them on a daily basis, as well you should, but have you had your home tested for mold? If you have not, then you probably should.

Your child’s immune system is in development in the early years of its life and you should do what you can to make sure that the natural maturing process is not disturbed. Educate yourself about the different symptoms that can be caused from mold exposure, since many doctors are not particularly aware of the complex symptoms that can come about from the exposure. If you believe that your home has mold and your child is sick, relate this to your child’s pediatrician.

Infants are the most at risk, obviously, and if you suspect there is mold in your home anywhere, you should remove the child from the environment immediately and have tests done to determine if the mold is cosmetic or not. Hemorrhagic pneumonia can be caused by mold exposure in an infant and deaths have been reported.

If your home has been flooded and your child’s toys were exposed to flood waters, anything porous needs to be thrown away. This includes stuffed animals, pillows, and other bedding. These are no longer safe for your child to play with. Even mattresses need to be thrown out and replaced, because of the recent link between mold, crib mattresses, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Houston Fire Damage Water Restoration Contractor companies and
Los Angeles Water Damage and Restoration Services.

Invest in a Water and Fireproof Safe

We all have valuables that we need to have protected, whether it is from a burglar, nosy child, fire, or floods. Documents, jewelry, or anything else that may be valuable to you can be put inside and safe and be almost completely protected from anything that might have happened to them outside of it. Making an investment in a safe can possibly save you thousands of dollars, simply depending on what you choose to keep inside it.

Depending on your situation, there are a few different kinds of safes that you can consider. Do you need a waterproof safe because you live in an area prone to floods or hurricanes? Or an area prone to wildfires? Or do you want a combination of the two? Both kinds of protection are good to have, since water damaged documents can be a hassle to deal with and a fire can do away with them completely.

Safes that are fireproof have the feature of having a positive pressure inside them that will keep water from getting inside, but unfortunately if there is not a fire present to create this pressure, water can get inside these and cause damage to your items. If possible, try to purchase a safe that is both waterproof and fireproof.

There is also the choice of where you want your safe to be located. Portable safes are good if you do a lot of traveling and want a thief to have a hard time getting to your valuables, even if they can pick it up and take it out of your room. It will take them a while to get your belongings out of the safe, to be sure, and it is very possible that the police will catch them before they have a chance.

A floor safe is just what the name implies: a safe that you install directly into the floor. You can cover this with a rug or a piece of furniture to make sure that no one sees it. A safe installed into the floor should be waterproof, since the floor is the first thing that flood waters will reach.

A wall safe offers the same kind of concealment that a floor safe offers and you can cover these with tapestries, mirrors, or photographs. Make sure you choose the correct depth for it, however, so you get the right one for your wall.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration contractors and
Mold Remediation companies across the united states.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Your Allergies May Be More Related To Mold Than You Think

With the teeming masses of people in the world that suffer from allergies, no matter the number of medications used, it is nearly impossible for them to find an escape from their allergens. The reasons for seasonal allergy symptoms are many. Most allergies are attributed to grasses, pollens, and various kinds of mold. Now, these three allergens are incapable of growing during the winter time. And while some molds can withstand colder temperatures than others, the majority of molds cannot continue to grow in these cold temperatures. Instead they manage to lie dormant for quite some time. They go into a kind of suspended animation when frozen, and if they thaw they will continue to live and they are equally as dangerous as before the time they were frozen.

However, in some areas of the world there is not a winter, and therefore, no freezing temperatures. And in these areas, people who live in apartment complexes and places of this nature are faced with considerable risk of infection, especially those who are highly allergic to these molds. The list of symptoms experience from an allergic reaction is long and varied, depending entirely on the specific allergy. The most prominent symptoms are runny noses and skin rashes. Perennial allergic rhinitis can be brought on by the presence of mold, as well. However, these allergic complications are usually only brought on by a high population of mold. The symptoms, however, can worsen if food that has been created using a type of fungus, such as mushrooms, bread, beer, and even yogurt. Blue cheese is also a chief offender.

While there are thousands of species of molds on the planet, the number of highly allergenic molds are fortunately only in the dozens. Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Alternaria are the three most well known kinds of mold to cause many allergic reactions. As a bit of trivia, Penicillum is the only genus with both a medicine as well as a disease named after it.

It is important that you stay on constant watch for grass, mold spores and pollen counts for each day on the news, if you have allergies. These daily reports are recommended, especially for the elderly or anyone who has a small child who may be allergic, and are planning an outing. This way, it will be apparent which areas to avoid. Severe allergic reactions are rare occurrences, but they happen never the less.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of
Texas Water Damage Restoration and
Houston Water Damage Restoration Which are Certified IICRC Water damage and mold remediation contractors.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Standing Water, Water Damage, and Mold In New Orleans

Standing water inside of a home anywhere is a nuisance and most homeowners do not appreciate the liquid’s intrusion. It can happen almost anywhere, but most of the time the leaking of water into your house is completely preventable and the ability to repair it is always there.

Standing water not only causes water damage to the floor and walls, but it can also become a healthy breeding ground for mold. Stachybotrys atra is known for having a love of standing water and this is one of the last molds that you want growing in your house. While this mold is not as common as other genii of mold such as Cladosporium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium, it is not a rare one. It generally appears on items that have a high amount of cellulose content, such as dust, wood, paper on drywall, and etcetera. It requires almost constant moisture for days or weeks in order to start growing.

The health problems caused by Stachybotrys atra can be anything from coughing, runny noses, wheezing, and etcetera all the way to serious respiratory infections, rashes, and other serious health conditions.

Removing standing water from your home should be done as quickly as possible in order to prevent this mold growth and to prevent water damage. There are a few different causes of standing water.

If there is standing water in the basement after a heavy rain, then the cause could be that water is leaking into the basement through the foundation near the surface. This generally happens when water settles in around the base of the home in pockets because the soil is not piled high enough around the house. Water should not be allowed to settle around the house in this manner, so pile soil up around the foundation so that water runs down and away from it. Another good thing to do to keep this from happening is keeping your rain gutters cleared out as often as is necessary to keep them unclogged. Installing downspout extensions can also help run the water away from the home.

A cause of chronic standing water in the basement could be an underground spring leaking through the wall. There may not be much that you can do about this other than to have a drainage system installed. Do not assume that one type of drainage system fits all types of home constructions, because it does not. Talk to a contractor and find out what they recommend.

Texas city Water Damage Restoration
Galveston Water Damage Restoration
Houston Water Damage Restoration

New orleans Fire Damage Cleanup Instructions

Dealing with the damage after a fire is something that no one who owns a home wants to have to deal with, not only since the home has been damaged, but also because the belongings inside it have been damaged, as well. Repairing the damage can be done either by a professional or by you, depending on the funds that you have to devote to the project, although you can probably do a lot of the cleanup and repair on your own.

The very first thing that you need to do before you re-enter your home after a fire is to make sure that your local fire marshal says that it is safe to. Once it is safe, turning off the electricity to your home is the next thing to do, since odds are good that the fire truck that responded to your call for help likely sprayed many, many gallons of water into your home. This can cause an electrocution risk of you step into electrified standing water. Remove this water after the electricity has been turned off as soon as possible.

Pets should be taken to a clean environment until the cleanup of the home is completed. This is especially true for birds, since they are much more sensitive to environmental changes than other animals.

Plants need to be washed on both sides of their leaves to remove soot, since this soot can likely kill them.

Any food that has been opened should be thrown away, especially if it was anywhere near the fire.

The windows and doors of the home should be opened to allow ventilation. This should help to remove the smell of smoke from the rest of the home.

Anything that needs to be vacuumed should be vacuumed carefully and without an upright vacuum that has brushes underneath it. Brushes will only rub the soot further into the carpet and all you want to do is lift it gently off the surface. After the soot is cleaned off the carpet and other upholstered items, put down plastic over them so you do not track soot in from other areas of the house.

Avoid sitting on upholstered furniture if you can help it.

Electronic appliances need to be cleaned and checked thoroughly.

Clean chrome, stainless steel, marble, and other materials in your home as soon as possible, since soot and ash can etch these items irreparably.

The clothing in your home should not be sent to a normal dry cleaner. Cleaning these items improperly may set the odor and smoke further into the fabric

Lake Charles Water Damage Restoration

Victoria Water Damage Restoration

Freeport Water Damage Restoration

Brownsville Water Damage Restoration

Moldy Wet Carpet

New carpet is something that almost every home owner wishes that they could afford, especially if that carpet has become contaminated by mold. Mold is everywhere in our homes in its spore form, but it becomes more hazardous and more visible when it actually starts to grow in colonies in our carpet, on our walls, and virtually on anything else composed of organic material.

Dealing with carpet that has become contaminated with mold can really be a pain, because many times you are just better off purchasing new carpet. It just depends on your situation, what area of your home you are having to replace the carpet in, and whether you want to hire someone else to install it for you or not.

Unfortunately, a lot of the time when your carpet becomes contaminated with mold, you have to tear it up and throw it out in the end. At the very least, you will have to pull it up and remove the padding from underneath it because this padding cannot be cleaned. You just have to buy more of it.

Also, if your carpet has been submerged in water throughout the house or even just in one room, the best thing that you can do is just tear it up and throw it away. This is especially true if it is due to flood waters that can have all kinds of chemicals, sewage, and even cadavers floating in it. The biological hazards that could be present in your old carpet will be there even after the carpet dries and will affect the health of you and your family. Mold loves to grow on items that have gotten wet and been allowed to dry naturally.

Purchase a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter if you can. This will filter the air that your vacuum cleaner is dispersing back into your home, but when you have to empty this filter’s contents in to your garbage, do so with gloves on.

Another bad thing that you could have in your home to help mold grow is wall-to-wall carpeting. If you have this in your home already, you can reduce the amount of mold that could grow if you just remove your shoes before walking upon it and not allowing pets on it at all.

Black mold removalfrom drywall

Water Damage Restoration Discussion Group

North Carolina Mold

Equipment to Remedy Mold In New Orleans

It does not take long to realize that one who chooses to remedy a mold infestation on their own, as opposed to hiring a professional to do the deed, will probably be wondering as to what the safest way to do this is. It is important that safety is first and foremost on the long list of things to take into account when dealing with the scourge on one’s home that is mold. Aggravation of asthma, emphysema, respiratory infections, rashes, eye infections, and even death are just some of the health complications that can come about from having mold in the home.

One of the best ways to ensure that the remediation process is as safe as possible is to know the kind of tools the job will call for. And to know what the job will call for, you must know just how much mold needs to be removed. If there is mold growing on the walls of your home, then trying to wash the mold off with mold killing chemicals probably, and unfortunately, will not work. In fact, possibly the only solution is the most expensive solution and that would be completely removing and replacing the drywall. However, if the mold has not seeped all the way into the drywall, then this may not be required.

It comes highly recommended that one uses heavy duty mold killing chemicals in the remediation process. If you read product reviews, it should be easy to become committed to buying a particular cleaner. It is also recommended that you buy a high strength brand of trash bag to keep on hand, should any contaminated materials be discovered that should be disposed of immediately. It is very important that you do not touch anything contaminated that you throw away, as it is possible to cause cross contamination.

You should also purchase some sort of respirator during the remediation process, no matter how serious the contamination is. A half or full face mask respirator will most likely be required if you are going to be removing the drywall or any other possible building materials from your home or building. A full face mask can be purchased for roughly $130. You should also buy disposable protective clothing which is fairly inexpensive, especially when you consider the amount of protection that will be received from them. Breathable gloves should be, but these can often only be bought in bulk quantities.

You should also purchase a vacuum with a HEPA filter. These vacuums collect mold spores that have settled onto the floor and have possibly worked their way into the fibers of your carpet.

Mold remediation

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